Vascular Laser
Vascular lasers (Vbeam and Varilite) treat redness in the skin due to a variety of conditions, such as rosacea and acne, angiomas, port wine stains, birth marks, and scars . The laser targets red blood cells which in turn damage the vessels and causes them to breakdown and be reabsorbed by the body. Patients may have redness for a few hours up to a few days and possible swelling. Treatments are usually 4-8 weeks apart and one or more treatments may be necessary depending on the condition being treated.
The Vbeam (Pulse Dye Laser PDL) is used to treat:
Redness & rosacea
Hemangiomas & port wine stains
Cherry angiomas
Spider angiomas
Scars (red)
The Varilite laser (KTP Laser) is often used to treat:
Larger facial veins
Stubborn veins around the nose
Venous lake angiomas
Small angiomas and dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN)
Vascular Laser Prices
(VBeam or Pulse Dye Laser)
Rosacea & Telangiectasias
Nose: $275
Chin: $275
Cheeks & nose: $400
Cheeks, nose, & chin: $450
Full Face: $500
Neck: $400
Chest: $500
Cherry Angiomas
1 Lesion: $200
2-4 Lesions: $250
5-10 Lesions: $350
Over 10 Lesions: $450
Scars: $250 & up
Vascular Laser (Varilite or KTP Laser)
Venous Lake Angioma: $200
Blood Vessels & Capillaries on Face: $300 & up
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