Facial Contouring
Our faces start changing shape by the time we hit our thirties. Restoration towards the original appearance is called Facial Contouring, which refers to procedures that minimize or volumize certain facial features to make the face more balanced.
For example, a patient may notice that their face starts to sag and develop jowls. This can be caused by the cheekbones being less robust than five or ten years ago due to fat pads diminishing in size. Augmentation of the cheeks may help to lift the face up and out and lead to a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Another example may be a patient with a flat and recessed chin that is leading to a wider lower face and accentuation of jowls. Filler in the chin and botox in the DAOS and jowls may lead to a more narrow lower face and minimization of the jowls.
Achieving facial harmony may involve:
Dermal Fillers: used to enhance cheeks, jawline, lip and chin volume and structure.
Neurotoxins: used to slim and smooth the masseter and DAO muscle, making for a narrower lower face.
Kybella: used to decrease fatty tissue in the lower face.
We have appointments for new and established patients. Schedule yours now!